Of great interest are the comments following the post. First many from the researchers out there who took an interest in getting the tags back to the soldier's family, one after the other they posted information they had found - every little clue led to others and soon it was determined that he did indeed have living family out there and one of the commenters was going to contact his wife. Then, the soldier's children and grandchildren begain posting comments about how wonderful it was to have been contacted, and that the word was spreading quickly through their small family.
As I watched all of this unfold over the last few days I often thought of how I always feel when I see someone else's family keepsakes at the local flea market, antique shops, eBay, and family estate sales. It saddens me to think that these things are not in the hands of family members who surely would love to have them if given the opportunity. If we had the time (and the funds to purchase such items as we find them) I think all of us would pour forth efforts to reunite such items with the family. And these folks did just that. To all of them and to Lorine for posting the tags - I say great job! What a wonderful gift and certainly something that Randall's family will never forget!

It's nice to find people who care.