b. July 7, 1910
d. Oct 1, 1928
When I first visited Flint Hill Cemetery in Fairfax County Virginia I was overwhelmed at the number of Kidwell family headstones that were there. My mind raced with thoughts "are ALL of these people related to me in some way?" I've been to that cemetery on three different occasions, always photographing and noting the Kidwell stones that I come across and this one happened to be one of them. Mable Kidwell (not to be confused with my Great Grandmother May/Maybell/Mable Kidwell) was among a group of 3 headstones that I photographed one afternoon. I had no idea how she was connected to me, or if she even was. Turns out, she is my 1st Cousin 3x removed in-law who died after the birth of her first child. She was married to Earnest Kidwell Jr.

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