For some time I've been attempting to find out about the time that my father spent in foster care in Frederick County Maryland. He was very young, but had vivid memories of starting school, knew what school he attended, and even somewhat remembered the last name of the family that he stayed with for 3-4 years. With these clues, we know the years to be from abt. 1942/3 - 1945/6. My frustration comes from finding out why he was placed in foster care, and no one seems to have the records for him. First I tried the offices of CPS where his family was living at the time (Washington D.C.), they kindly sent him a letter stating that they could find no records for him. Then I tried to find out something from the offices in Frederick County where he was placed - very helpful folks, but because he was in care there, they had no records of why he was placed. If children were placed in foster care, they often went off to the country to live with a family, in this case he and his brother Vernon were placed about 65 miles from home. While he was still living, we went through the process of attempting to get his records and no one seemed to have them. We are unsure of the circumstances around why he was removed, and at what exact age - this is the information he always wanted.
So, to anyone who might read - any ideas? Has anyone tried to get foster care records and how did they go about it? What offices should I contact next?

Were there any private social service groups in the area? The foster situation might not have been handled by a government agency. Do you know if the family that took him in was in any way related to his family or friends of the family? That may be why there aren't any records.
ReplyDelete@Maureen - Good tip to check into private social services in the area. It is entirely possible that they had no choice as there were already 6 children in the house and these two boys were born in the late 30s... possibly they simply couldn't afford to have them there. We are certain that the foster family wasn't related to them. The investigation continues! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou might also consider churches. Were his family members of a specific denomination? Have you checked the churches located near the school he attended? You might also check with the school district for enrollment records.
ReplyDelete@Nolichucky Roots - More great tips! His family weren't members at any church and I've not yet explored the school record possibilities - do they provide records when requested? I did contact the Family Court offices of the DC Superior Court this afternoon, and I was told that their records only go back to 1956 but I am to call back tomorrow and talk with a supervisor. I think they just weren't sure what to tell me.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if there are government or agency records. What if his parents placed him with friends and/or relatives? No paperwork, just an understanding. Wasn't that more common then? I would be curious to look up the history of foster care in your state.
ReplyDeleteWere any of your father's family in the military? My understanding is that, at that time, the military often helped with foster placements for the children of servicemen. If they handled his placement, that might be why the standard foster care agencies have no record of him. Perhaps his records are with the military.